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MAKS-2015: Results 30.08.2015

The 12th International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2015 held in Moscow from August 25 through August 30, 2015 has ended.

During those six days, the exhibition was attended by 404,000 guests and participants, including about 30 of our existing and 80 of our new customers.

Atlantis Group provides a full range of services related to managing public events and supporting the exhibition activities of our customers covering written technical translations and interpretation as well as typographic printing of any PR materials and gifts.

In Russia, we work with St. Petersburg and Moscow companies as well as regional customers in Siberia and the Russian Far East but our outreach is worldwide.

The new contracts we secured during MAKS-2015 not only expand our geography but also set new challenges involving development of customized solutions under different projects.

We will be delighted to discuss earlier agreements with our customers based in St. Petersburg in our local office. Customers from other cities are welcome to contact us over the telephone or by means of electronic communication.