Notwithstanding the general nature of a lexical basis of the target industry, any document translation project is unique. Every field of science and technology features its inimitable special aspects: professional slang expressions and contextual features. Often one customer thanks the translator who, in their opinion, has found “ideally matching” terms, while another considers those terms to be just the synonyms which are rarely used in this particular field and asks to replace them.
That’s why Atlantis Translation Center encourages the customers to submit any materials that would be helpful in translation: glossaries, previous versions of documents, product presentations.
In absence of such materials, we could create and maintain glossaries based on the documents to be translated sent by the customer.
Translator’s glossary is a tool that helps ensure terminology consistency at all stages of the project. It also makes it possible to reduce time taken by the translation and total cost of the services rendered. If a customer provides a glossary, we will be happy to populate it with new translated words and repeatedly send it for approval.
The main purpose of any glossary is to increase translation quality by helping translators to use the terms approved by the customer and suitable for the particular translation project.